duminică, 12 martie 2017

Week 2.7—Pricing

Week 2.6 Services marketing

Today the service marketing means a lot and everyone is trying their best to make their products more approachable to their customers. Toblerone is no exception but since their product consists of chocolate bars there is not much services that can be offered to the customers. However, like any other company they provide customer service which may prove very helpful in different situations. The way it works is that if you, as a customer, have a complaint or an enquiry you have to fill in a form on the Toblerone’s website. (toblerone) The interesting part is that the form is categorized in different topics regarding your needs such as products, advertisement or security.
Even though the customer service is offered by Toblerone I think it should be of great value for them to create an exclusive service in which customers can get in direct contact with the employees. For example a chat box on the website that can direct them directly to one of the customer service employees would be of great value since the customer will feel than a greater interaction with the company.
The customer service of Toblerone is neither tangible nor perishable since there is not a physical service that the customer can get in contact with and the software itself does not get outdated. However, it presents variability since it presents different forms that address to different topics or problems the customer might have. Even though the service exists, it does not affect directly the product in any way since they are not linked.
On the other side, the quality of the service is very important since it can influence severely a customer perception about it. If a customer for example is satisfied that he solved the problem he was having, he will continue to buy the product since he had a good experience and Toblerone will create in an indirect way a long relationship with the customer.
If the product will be exported to a new country, the product will be advertised only to the upper middle and upper class since that is where the product’s best assets are. Also focusing on quality is important. For example, if the product were to be exported to Japan, it would be advertised as a high quality brand with a strong history behind, giving the fact that the Japanese people value the length of the brand in the market.
From the perspective of personnel, the chocolate bar is very much in relation with them because if the personel won’t be devoted to the work they are doing and passionate, the quality of the product is bound to drop, and with the drop in the quality, the same will happen to the sales. The personnel is the heart of the product and without them the product won’t be the same.  

Week 2.5 Review questions

Fort this week, a visit to several supermarkets in Netherlands was made in order to see how Toblerone is presented.  The stores visited were located in Eindhoven and the only one who had Toblerone was Jumbo. The pictures can be seen bellow.  The store is welcoming and makes a perfect atmosphere for shopping. Despite the impression of the supermarket, Toblerone, the product of interest was found in the sweets department on the bottom shelf.
The explanation for this matter is unclear since as it can be seen in the picture, the product sells, as well as in PLUS where Toblerone was sold out. However in Albert Heijn XL from Eindhoven Toblerone was situated as well on the bottom shelf, even though it was sold out. Maybe the reason of the product being sold out was the time the stores were visited since it was already late evening.
Looking at the other products, it can be observed that no own-label products are shown but the other well-known brands such as Twix or Mars have received a place on the mid shelves. For the same product, Snickers has 2 rows on the shelf but Toblerone has one for to variation of the product. However, the space offered for Toblerone seems to be bigger than the others.

Week 2.4 Distribution channels

Before we can start discussing this topic, a clear understanding of how Toblerone’s distribution channel looks like. Bellow, there is an illustration of its distribution channel:
Being a big company, Toblerone has to operate in most of the distribution functions. However, there are some distribution functions that are fulfilled through different channel members such as standardizing transactions or assorting in commercial functions through retailers.
Talking about retailers, they can heavily influence its reach to the customer and indirectly alter product image. For example, if a Mars chocolate bar is set on a mid-shelf and Toblerone on a bottom shelf, unless a person came specifically for Toblerone, would pick a Mars. Worse, another example that can be given is that a store does not have Toblerone and they only have Mars, a customer would not trouble going to another store just for a chocolate bar and it will settle for a Mars.
In conclusion, Toblerone has chosen for its product is a non-economic source of power for a channel leadership.

Week 2.3-Targeting and positioning

In order to find out about the Toblerone’s brand positioning, a number of tools will be required. The most efficient one is a questionnaire that looks as follows:
 Questionnaire for brand awareness
1.    How often do you but chocolate bars?
a)    Whenever I want some
b)    Every day
c)    Every week
d)    Once in a while
e)    Never
2.    Name three most used by you chocolate brands
3.    What attributes according to you are important for the customer. Rate with values from 1(lowest) to 5?
a)    Quality
b)    Price
c)    Availability
d)    Taste/Flavor
4.    How frequently do you change your brands?
a)    Very frequently
b)    Sometimes
c)    Never
5.    How would you rate your buying experience of Toblerone?
a)    Very good
b)    Good
c)    Moderately Good
d)    Bad
e)    Very Bad
6.    What is the positioning of Toblerone in your mind?
a)    Value for money
b)    Superior quality
c)    Consistency
d)    Other______

7.    What criteria affect your buying decision of this product?
a)    Family pressures
b)    Cost of the product
c)    Quality of the product
d)    Taste of the product
8.    How did you come to know about Toblerone?
a)    Through stores
b)    Through website
c)    From family or friends
d)    Other_____
9.    How has been the experience with the usage of the product?
a)    Extremely satisfactory
b)    Satisfactory
c)    Unsatisfied
d)    Extremely unsatisfied
 After the questioner was made, an interview with three people was established. The first person was my mother, Carmen Pena, and after two of my friends Jochen Lammers and Yavar Husseinzade. The interview was based on the questions above and some were elaborated a bit in the discussion. After the data from the interview was collected, the perceptual map established can be seen bellow along with other 2 popular brands.